In the event of an emergency, or for out-of-hours support, call Security on 01522 886062

Our A-Z guide for living in University-managed halls can be found in your accommodation communal area. This information can also be found on the Booking Portal in the Online Induction, or below:

Accessing Your Room

Depending on your accommodation you will receive a key and fob, or a key card. This will only open your bedroom, apartment, and block which your room is located in. You may also have a post box key. 

Make sure you keep your room key on you, as you will not be able to access your room without it.  

If you do lock yourself out of your room head to your accommodation reception during opening hours (9am – 5:30pm) and contact Security – located in Minerva Building – on 01522 886300 outside of opening hours. 

There is a £20 replacement fee for any lost key cards. This fee is higher for Lincoln Courts due to the key and lock needing to be changed. 

Connecting to the WiFi 

WiFi is available in all University of Lincoln buildings and accommodation, through the provider Ask4. 

Information regarding signing into WiFi will be shared on your arrival. 

If you need support connecting to the internet, or more information, please speak to your Reception Team. 

Room Inventory 

Shortly after moving into your new room, you will receive an email containing your inventory. On arrival, take a moment to check that everything in your room works and is as expected. We advise taking pictures so that you have these to refer to when you are getting ready to move out. 

Your inventory must be completed and sent back to Accommodation Services within five days of your arrival. Pop in and speak with the Accommodation team in reception if you have any questions. 

This is also a good time to familiarise yourself with the fire evacuation plan. Alarms are tested once a week and evacuation details can be viewed in all apartments.  

Don’t forget to remove any unwanted packaging including any boxes, bags and other items that can cause obstacles within your flat and corridors. These can be recycled in the outdoor bins provided. 

Rent Payments 

Rent payments can be made in one of three ways: upfront, termly with one upfront payment, or termly. When booking accommodation, you will have selected a payment option. 

Payments will automatically be taken from the associated payment method on the date listed in the booking portal. If you need to change this, the Team can advise you how. 

Rent payments are managed by the Finance departments,  


Each accommodation has a reception, with a dedicated team of staff, to support you during your stay and answer any questions you may have. Receptions can be found at:  

  • Cygnet Wharf, LN6 7FU (reception for Lincoln Courts and Cygnet Wharf) 
  • Valentine Court, LN6 7GU 
  • 179 High Street, LN5 7AF 
  • St Marks, LN6 7TW 

Receptions are open Monday to Saturday 9am to 5:30pm (closing at 5pm on a Friday and Saturday). Expect for 179 High Street which is closed on a Saturday. Any change in opening times will be communicated via email. 

The team can also be contact by email or phone 01522 886300. 

Post and Parcels 

Post and parcels should be delivered to your accommodation reception. 

Letters will be posted into your apartment letterbox – located in the reception for all sites except Valentine Court.  

Post and parcels which are too big to go into letterboxes are stored behind the reception desk. To collect a parcel, you must bring ID. Another student may collect your parcel for you, if you email Accommodation Services stating that you are happy for them to do so. 

Room Moves 

It is important that you are happy and settled in your new room, as it will become your home-from-home for the year ahead.  

You are encouraged to stay in your allocated room and apartment for two weeks, following arrival, while you adjust to life at Lincoln and get to know your flatmates.  

After this two-week settling in period, if you feel that you would like to swap rooms, options may be available.  

Head to reception to speak with the team for advice and availability. 

Guest Policy

All accommodation is single-occupancy, 18 and over only. Overnight guests are allowed on an adhoc basis but must be signed in on arrival and out on departure, to meet with fire regulations. 

Failure to sign guests in, or if you are found to have a someone living with you, is a direct breach of your Accommodation Contract. 

When having guests over please remember to be mindful of others living in the apartment, making them aware of the guest and being respectful of space. 

Check in Guests 


The ResLife, team offers a wide range of support to students living in University-managed accommodation, from helping you settle into your new home-from-home and city, to running events and activities.   

Our trained team of ResLife Student Assistants offer peer-to-peer support, so you can speak to someone who has experienced studying and living at the University of Lincoln.   

 The team also host free events and activities for students to take part in each month.   

Many of the ResLife events are held in the ResLife Lounge, which is a dedicated social space for students living in university accommodation.  

 Keep up to date with Accommodation at the University of Lincoln by following the ResLife Instagram @UniLincolnResLife  

Gym Membership 

All students living in University-managed accommodation get access to the on-campus Sports Centre and gym for the full duration of their accommodation contract. This includes access to a wide range of classes, such as Pilates, barbell, HIIT and Spinning.  

Memberships are managed by an app 

For more information on how to sign up, head to the Sports Centre, or visit the website

Communal Spaces 

If you are not living in a studio room, you will be sharing a living space and kitchen with your flatmates.  

Communal areas are designed and equipped to accommodate the maximum potential number of residents for each apartment. However, allocation of communal spaces – such as cupboards or space in the fridge freezer – are left to the residents to decide. 

You are welcome to bring additional electrical kitchen items, but please consider their positioning within the kitchen to avoid heat damage to surfaces and walls. Equally, take care to leave enough space for the preparation of food on work tops. 

Not everyone will have the same standard of cleanliness, so it is important to discuss cleaning early on. Making a weekly rota for your communal space will help maintain a tidy environment. This could include wiping down surfaces, emptying the bins, hoovering, etc. Remember to be respectful to each other and maintain a level of hygiene around bins and worktops. 

Remember to be respectful to your flatmates and maintain apartment hygiene, so that everyone can enjoy the apartment and use its facilities. For example, take out the bin if you notice it is full, don’t leave your dirty pots on the side, and tidy away once you are finished using a space.  

Communal cleaners will maintain the stairwells and entry ways of each block. 

All residents have a responsibility to keep their own room and apartment clean and tidy. This includes your bedroom (and en-suite bathroom if you have one), the kitchen and communal areas, and any shared bathrooms. 

A cleaning service will not be provided to apartments unless it is identified to have not been kept in a reasonable condition. If this happens, appropriate notice would be given for a cleaning contractor to clean the area. The cost of this may then be passed on to the residents of that apartment. 

Please note, the only exception to this is in our larger apartments 179 High Street. These larger apartments will receive a weekly ‘hygiene’ clean which will consist of wiping down surfaces in the kitchen. 

Moving Out 

When the time comes to move out, you will be required to vacate your accommodation and return your keys by 10am on the tenancy end date stated in your Accommodation Agreement. 

Reporting a Repair or Maintenance 

It is important to make the Accommodation Team aware as soon as possible if you come across an item in your apartment or building that has broken down, worn out or is not working as expected. 

Maintenance jobs should be reported on Planon or by visiting the reception. 

If you have an urgent repair or maintenance issue outside of office hours, please contact the Security Team on 01522 886062, who will assess the report and plan for a maintenance contractor to attend as soon as possible. 

Once you have reported an issue our 24hour Maintenance Team, will assess the job and attend in line with the below expectations, which form the University’s Service Level Agreement to you in relation to any repairs and maintenance: 

  • EMERGENCIES: Attended to and assessed as soon as possible and within 2 hours of the report. Examples of emergencies are gas leaks, loss of heating or power to a whole building. 
  • URGENT ISSUES: Have a 4hour response between 8am and 1pm on the same day. These include blocked drains, broken windows, loss of heating or power to a room and/or apartment. 
  • ROUTINE ISSUES: Have a 48 hour response between 8am and 5pm, and completion within 7 working days. 
  • NON-URGENT ISSUES: Generally attended to within 7 working days and includes reports of a dripping tap, loss of power to a single socket, window adjustment etc. 

Maintenance work will either be carried out by Accommodation staff members (wearing navy uniform with the University of Lincoln crest) or Dalkia staff members (wearing grey uniform with the Dalkia logo). 

Staff must always carry identification with them, and it is your right to ask to see proof of ID before letting them into your apartment.  

The staff member carrying out the work will always knock and announce that they have arrived prior to entering the apartment. If you are not in, the team carry master keys/key cards and will be able to access all areas regarding the maintenance request. 

Once you become a University of Lincoln Accommodation resident, we will try very hard to respect your space. However, please be aware that there are times when we will have to enter without giving notice. For example, in the event of an emergency. 

Mandatory Testing 

There are several planned maintenance jobs that will be carried out around the building during your stay, along with health and safety checks, these include: 

  • Weekly fire alarm testing 
  • Weekly flushing of little used water outlets in empty rooms 
  • Monthly water temperature testing 
  • Monthly informal communal area visits 
  • Monthly emergency light testing 
  • Quarterly shower head cleaning 
  • Monthly Fire Safety Inspection 
  • Termly fire drills 
  • Termly room inspections 

Further information will be emailed out regarding the schedule and to give you notice for the monthly and termly planned maintenance/inspections, as and when required. 

For routine work, 24 hours noticed will also be provided. 

Your Safety and Security 

The University of Lincoln has a 24/7 Security Team on hand to make sure you feel safe while staying with us. Security patrol campus, with an office on the ground floor of Minerva Building, next to Student Wellbeing.  

The team can help with issues such as: 

  • Out of hours room lock out 
  • Noise complaints  
  • Unwanted visitors 

If you have any concerns, you can contact the University Security Team on 01522 886062.  

In the event of an emergency, call 999 and request the emergency service which you require. It is also helpful if you can contact the University Security Team to notify them of the emergency – especially if an emergency vehicle will be attending the residence. 

Building Security 

On arrival you will have been given either a key card or physical key to access your room, apartment, and building doors.  

Only your key gives you access to your room. Only those living in your apartment will be able to access the apartment, the same with the main entrance of the building, only those allocated to the block will be able to unlock the door. 

It’s good practice to lock your room door whenever you go out. When you are in your room, there is an internal twist lock on most key card doors.  

Most apartments also have an intercom system to speak to people at the main door – this is helpful if you have a food shop delivery or guests visiting. Never open the door to people you do not know. 

Make sure to use the main entrance doors to enter and exit the building – unless in an emergency – and not fire exits.  

Fire Safety & Evacuation 

It is important that you make yourself aware of the emergency exits and assembly points for the building on arrival.  

On discovering an indication of fire, you should: 

  • Operate the nearest fire alarm manual call point 
  • Leave the building via the nearest available exit in a calm manner and proceed to the designated assembly point 
  • Dial 999 and request the Fire Service 
  • Inform Security by calling 01522 886062 

On no account must anybody re-enter the building or leave the assembly point without the express permission of the Fire Service, a University Senior Officer, or the Health and Safety Department. 

Any missing person(s), person(s) refusing to leave or person(s) requiring assistance should be reported to the University Staff on-site or the Fire Service. 

If at any time during your occupancy you are physically unable to vacate your accommodation in an emergency without assistance, you must inform the Reception Team who will create a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan for you to follow. 

You must not cover the smoke detector at any point during your stay. 

Mobility Impaired Person(s) (MIP) and Occupants Requiring Assistance 

Any person, who is unable to respond to the evacuation of the premises quickly, must make this fact known to a member of staff of the Accommodation Services Team. 

Safe areas are in protected staircases of buildings and signed ‘Refuge Area’. These are fire protected for at least 30 minutes and have a call point that is directly linked to the Security Office. The emergency phone number for Security can also be utilised (01522 88062). Evacuation aids and/or evacuation lifts are present in these buildings to support aided evacuation. 

Evacuation lifts are provided in certain buildings specifically for use during a fire incident for a MIP who cannot evacuate via stairs and should only be used by a trained operative. Regular lifts MUST NOT be used whilst evacuating during a Fire Alarm. 

Student Support & Advice Centre 

The Student Support and Advice Team is available to help with student enquiries regarding university systems and procedures, funding, fees and payments, housing, money issues, immigration, personal support and general advice and information. 

The Team provides practical help, advice, and support, resolves issues and concerns, and makes referrals to specialist staff where necessary. Specialist advisors within the Centre can offer free, independent, and confidential advice to all enrolled students at the University. The team also includes the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy who are here to support all faiths and none. 

Email: Phone: 01522 837080 

Student Wellbeing Team 

The Student Wellbeing Centre offers University of Lincoln students support, advice or guidance with any challenges or difficulties they may face during their academic studies. Our support to students includes concerns around disability, specific learning differences, mental health or medical conditions, as well as anything which may cause emotional or psychological distress. 

The Student Wellbeing Team consists of professional staff including Administrators, Education Officers, Wellbeing Advisors, Mental Health Advisors, and Counsellors who can provide advice and guidance in relation to disability, medical conditions, learning differences and mental health. All of whom are happy to support you throughout your university journey. 

As well as supporting home students, we also want all our international students to feel welcome at the University of Lincoln. It can be challenging to move abroad to study in a new city, and if you would like to talk about how you are feeling, please contact us on for support. 

Email: Phone: 01522 886400 

Contact form – Student Services ( 

Pharmacies and Medical Support 

The University of Lincoln has an on-site Doctors service which is located inside the Student Wellbeing centre. 

There are numerous local pharmacies, found at the below addresses:  

Lincolnshire Co-op Newland Pharmacy:

34 Newland, Lincoln LN1 1XP 

Open: 8:30am-6:30pm (closed 1-2pm) 

Boots Pharmacy: 

196-199 High St, Lincoln LN5 7AL  

Open: 8:30am – 6pm 

Tritton Road Pharmacy: 

Morrison Supermarket, Centaur Road, Lincoln LN6 7QL  

Open: 9am – 6pm 

For emergencies, Lincoln County Hospital and Accident and Emergency is located at Greetwell Road, Lincoln, LN2 5QY. 

Please call 111 for medical advice before 999 if it is not an emergency. 

Your Students’ Union 

Your Students’ Union is an independent charity organisation that aims to provide the best possible student experience by hosting a wide range of services, events and opportunities that put students at the heart of life at Lincoln. 

Your Student Leader Team consists of the VP Wellbeing and Community, VP International, VP Activities, VP Campaigns and Environment and VP Education. They are elected by students, to ensure that you are represented and listened to, in order to make positive changes and to make sure your university experience is the best it could possibly be. 

There is no question or issue too small – we are here for you! For more information please visit: 

Policies & Procedures

Helpful information for students currently living in University-managed accommodation can be found by logging into the Accommodation Services SharePoint.

This includes Policies and Procedures, Residence Certificates and Terms and Conditions.

Meet your Residence Life Assistants!

ResLife provides you with opportunities to settle in, meet new people and have a great experience throughout the year with our planned programme of events, excursions and activities. 

Maintenance Reports

Please report the issue on Plannon, via the link below, and our team will look into it for you.